throwin' it UUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!! for obama...

the video is courtesy of taz arnold from sa-ra creative partners. at one point, i thought that they were going to be funkadelic's successsors, but it ain't really that deep. they're more skin than sonic substance, but they have their moments, especially with some of the music they've produced and/or remixed for others.

this, however, is taz proclaiming his support for barack obama. be warned: this is not the introspective, "we can change the world" vibe you get from the clips over at it's quite indescribable, really. after watching this, i have come to the conclusion that reverend jeremiah wright is the least of brother barack's problems. may GOD have mercy on us all...

(truth be told, i'd rather cast my vote for jeremiah wright, but i digress...)


Chyll Will said…
Man... what a waste of a good groove. I don't know if I'm Ice Cube or Ron Isley getting mad at him for that, but if I were Obama I wouldn't try to reach out for that vote.

This is my thing with the whole issue... America is still too racist to accept Obama, never mind Rev. Wright. The comments coming from voters in Indiana is all you need to know why this country has set itself back nearly a hundred years in just the past eight.

"Oh, I'm not voting for that Muslim guy!" Really? Which one, Karl Rove or Cat Stevens?

HIllary is still hanging in there because of this; she knows that racism is a live and well, and not that she's counting on the racist vote per se, but she knows that she could become the nominee by default if enough racists make their votes known and do whatever they can to manipulate key jurisdictions. Why do you think she's trying to get Florida and Michigan's delegates to be un-disqualified at this juncture? Because she'll win with them, just like Bush did the past two elections.

Frankly, I can't be bothered with this election in any regard, because it'll be either more of the same, or a big stonewalling and puppetry effort from the power brokers and the Midwest. It's sick and really, really sad.
Chyll Will said…
A few days removed from my last comment, I see this video as emblematic of how far disconnected American society has become from common sense. I blame television media (commercials mostly) as much for their complicity in the overall scheme to reinforce the ruling (read super rich) class by openly attaching itself to it; what with the mergers of media outlets into super conglomerates, and the reduction of restrictions to allow this to happen. Rather than instruct the falling intellect, they feed off of it.

When Gil Scott Heron told us that the revolution will not be televised, people swore they understood, but apparently they have not. Commercials openly mock this statement and its sentiment, and mainstream society openly mocks Black culture by appropriating its habits, styles, methods and artifacts, ripping all spirit and meaning from such things and selling it back to us in pretty packaging. And by example of this video, it's likely gonna take more than an unseen revolution to address the issues that have plagued the lower classes.

Where to begin, where to begin...